Leadership Team Course Correcting Their Interactions

Why did the client call us?

  • Silos and redundant efforts were slowing productivity

  • Mistrust  and gossip among team members

    Increase in regrettable turnover

  • The leader was unsure how to address the team’s concerns

What did we do?

  • Surveyed team members to clarify the team’s strengths and opportunities

  • Designed team session to discuss survey findings and facilitated candid dialogue about what was working well and not-so-well on the team

  • Brought underlying concerns to light in a safe forum

  • Delivered workshop to develop skills in delivering and receiving constructive feedback

  • Assessed follow-up three months later via survey

  • Held quarterly calls to discuss progress on commitments and promote accountability

What were the results?

  • Successful achievement of annual objectives

  • More collaboration and less competition among team members

  • Increased awareness by team members about how their behavior affects others

  • Productive  and focused meetings

  • Accountability and consistent follow-up to commitments

  • Stabilized turnover


Team Managing Tremendous Growth Through Acquisition