Widen Your Lens
Your 360 Feedback Is Here. Now What?
In case you were wondering, my favorite type of feedback is 360. This powerful tool gives leaders honest input from both coworkers (at all levels) and important stakeholders outside the organization. But receiving input is just the beginning. To get the most value, I recommend taking several steps once the report is in hand. Read on for my suggestions.
Facetime: The Key to Better Teams
Great teams understand the importance of spending time together in person. Face-to-face time helps team members see each other as whole people, breaking down biases and boosting collaboration, all of which leads to improved productivity and enjoyment.
Everyday Coaching Opportunities
As a leader, you can help your team get stronger and more efficient by coaching them to learn from mistakes and solve problems on their own. Added bonus: that frees up more time for you to work on other things.
Don’t Get Triggered
Triggering happens when something causes us to react quickly and unconsciously, usually because we sense danger. This is helpful in real emergencies but… it can lead to poor responses in daily life and work situations.
Strong Leaders Know How to Listen
Effective leaders understand the value of developing strong listening skills. Doing so improves relationships, builds trust, and increases engagement, all things that matter when working closely with others.
Are You Productive, or Simply Active?
We are all busy. That's much better than being bored, but busyness, for its own sake, can mask productivity and the important results it delivers.
Please Stop Avoiding Conflict
Conflict! I know, it can be a scary word. That's why so many of us do our best to avoid it when possible. But here's the thing… conflict is not necessarily a negative.
Great Leaders Emphasize Their Strengths
Let’s face it, none of us can be good at everything. But the opposite is also true: We each have our own set of special talents. You know, those things that just come easily. So easily, in fact, that we tend to underestimate them, thinking instead they are no big deal. That’s a mistake.
Why Are You Hitting Yourself?
Strange as it may seem, our own tendencies and behaviors can sometimes be the biggest blocks to our success. We hurt ourselves by running old patterns. Happily, the Enneagram provides an opportunity to widen our lens and act with greater intention and flexibility.
The Beauty of Delegating
For most of us, delegation can be hard at first. It requires coaching, an initial time commitment, and a willingness to take our hands off the wheel. Many managers never really get there. But oh, what a missed opportunity it is to not delegate frequently and effectively.
Get Better at Feedback
For many of us, giving constructive feedback can be challenging. For any number of reasons, we hesitate, missing the moment or avoiding it entirely. That's a lost opportunity. Giving feedback is a learned skill — the more you do it, the more proficient you will become — and it can be incredibly helpful to those who receive it.
You Need to Set Goals. Really.
With the end of the year upon us, it’s a perfect time to evaluate where we have been and think about what we hope to accomplish in 2024. That's why I recommend setting some goals for the coming year. Don’t panic! Goal setting is incredibly valuable in helping you get where you want to go and, once you get started, it can be both energizing and fun (seriously).
Raise Your Emotional Intelligence
For 25 years, my husband and I hosted large Thanksgiving gatherings, buzzing with siblings, nieces, nephews, and in-laws. This tradition was a whirlwind of joy — and chaos. But it taught me invaluable lessons about Emotional Intelligence (EQ), particularly in leadership.
Dreadful One-On-One Meetings… A Surefire Guide
Regularly scheduled, one-on-one meetings are a phenomenally effective tool for helping employees stay involved, motivated, and on track. Unfortunately, when conducted poorly or haphazardly, they can represent a missed opportunity for your team and your organization more broadly.
Self-Awareness Is Step One
Many leaders are predisposed to taking action. Of course, that’s important. But action without clear direction can be counterproductive and confusing to colleagues. That’s why self-awareness is so important. It helps you map the course before setting off to “get things done.”
What Everyone Already Knows About You
A few months ago, I taught a 90-minute online workshop for a group of physician leaders. The topic was Emotional Intelligence. Not everyone could be there live, so we recorded it. I wanted to review it before sharing with the missing parties, so I sat down to watch it. Eek! It was nothing short of disturbing.
Wait! Don’t Follow That Impulse
I’ll just come right out and say it: I am a sucker for jelly donuts! And the best donuts I have ever eaten are sold at an amazing Amish Farmers’ Market near where I live in West Chester. I go to the market every month or so to explore the stands of cheese, meat, veggies, desserts, and more.
Have Your Values Gone to the Dogs?
Every time one of my children leaves for college, we get a new dog. It happened eight years ago when my son Johnny left. It happened again four years later when my daughter Christina left. And now, with my youngest child, Scott, set to blast off this fall, I fear that dog #3 could materialize any minute.
What’s Your Kryptonite?
My husband, John, and I spent a wonderful 17 years living on a little farm in Chester Springs, Pennsylvania. We had goats and chickens and bunnies. It’s where our three kids grew up and it was everything we hoped for.
Why Leaders Coach
When leaders coach, they are investing in their direct reports. Are you guiding your employees or giving them the solution? Coaching will help motivate, develop, and engage your employees to contribute at high levels. Build the essential skills of coaching and watch your team deliver results.